You have a right to be free. The freedom of conscience is guaranteed by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18, which declares that people have the right to change religions or have no religion at all. Muslims have a right to this freedom. Yet all too often they are harassed or...
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Let Freedom Roll
Stand for religious liberty — sponsor an SIOA bus ad
SIOA CAMPAIGN OFFENSIVE: Fight for Removal of Un-indicted Co-Conspirator, Hamas linked CAIR Counsel/President and 911 Terror Lawyer From NYC Human Rights Commission
Mayor Bloomberg’s office has been deeply infiltrated — “human rights commissioner” — oh, the irony. The city of “if you see something, say something” has on our “human rights commission” a litigation jihadist who is representing the flying imams — people saw something and said something, and Omar with CAIR filed suit. Give ’em...
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May 20th: Everyone Draw Muhammad Day and Upload to SIOA Facebook Page
Let’s separate the dhimmis from the free men. Start your creative juices flowing. I know we have some enormously talented Atlas Shrugger just itching to take a crack at this and upload your images to the SIOA Facebook page! Moe Moe Promo May 20: “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!l Jihad Watch The paintbrush/pen/pencil/crayon is mightier...
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Leaving Islam Ads on the road again! I am thrilled to report that the legal matter with Miami Dade Transit has been settled. Not only will FDI and SIOA’s buses be going back up, but another twenty will be added to the existing buy, and will soon be rolling down the sweet streets of...
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Jaweed Kaleem Shills for Un-indicted Co-Conspirator, Hamas Tied CAIR: Suppresses Free Speech
Miami-Dade Transit says NO! Offensive to Muslims! Miami-Dade Transit says YES! Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad as Muslim prophets — not offensive to Jews and Christians! And the hits keep coming …………Jaweed Kaleem continues to shill for CAIR in his latest hit piece on the bus campaign and SIOA. Here is what...
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Un-indicted Co-Conspirator, Hamas-tied CAIR Hails Crushing Defeat of Free Speech in SIOA Miami Bus Campaign
Who will stand for America? Who will fight for freedom of speech, religious freedom, human rights? I thought readers should see the dreck CAIR is sending around in their latest victory in their war on the West and the Constitution. CAIR, un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-tied, terror front for the Muslim Brotherhood, delights in taking down...
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SIOA Nationwide Ad Campaign Kicks off in Miami: “Leaving Islam” Bus Ads Hits the Streets
Today our SIOA “Leaving Islam” ad campaign rolled out on the streets of Miami in response to the misleading CAIR dawah (invitation to islam) bus campaign. This is the first time anyone has offered public help to those who are threatened under Islam’s apostasy law. In the Land of the Free, government and law...
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Please join me here as we stand in solidarity with Israel, a sovereign nation on the front lines of the global jihad. Sign up here. I will be speaking.
If you haven't joined Robert Spencer and me in the launch of Stop the Islamization of America, join here now. Be a mensch, be a member.
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SIOA Officers
While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook.
We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers:
You want to become a state officer? Contact us!
Further, we will be starting college chapters as...
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Legislators Shun 911 Mosque Fundraising Dinner
"Look at their Federal Election Commission reports, these spineless politicians are owned and operated by the radical Islamists and their sinister front groups." James Lafferty
The first action SOIA (Stop Islamization of America) endorsed and supported was VAST's (Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force) PROTEST AT 9/11 MOSQUE FUNDRAISING DINNER. I was thrilled...
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