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Ground Zero Mega Mosque Landmark Meeting Tomorrow at 2pm - GO!

July 12, 2010
By admin
More  remains of 72 people were found at a World Trade Center site.

Landmarks Commission Meeting July 13th.

According to our legal team, the hearing starts at 2:00 p.m. and will be held at 904 Lexington Avenue (at the corner of East 68th Street), in Lecture Hall 714 of Hunter College on the 7th floor. Anyone who wants to speak gets two minutes — sign up in advance in the lobby of the auditorium

They are trying to sweep this monster  under the rug. Mayor Bloomberg won’t even meet with the 911 families or the Coalition for the Preservation of Ground Zero. The Landmark Commission members are all his appointees. He is he;ping ramming this mega mosque through. Why?

They have moved venues, changed times etc. We must be heard. Please attend. Please speak up. Be polite. There have been infiltrators screaming and yelling that are not part of our group. Bring a sign, “not with us.”

Has the landmark commission done their due diligence? Have they sent architectural historians to the site of the pioneering architect, Daniel Badger, who is al ready a landmarked architect, a pioneer of the day. They tabled this issue for over twenty years, then hurridely scheduled this meeting two weeks. Something smells rotten at Ground Zero,

Please continue reading  the whole story here

One Response to “ Ground Zero Mega Mosque Landmark Meeting Tomorrow at 2pm - GO! ”

  1. Sal on July 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM

    There have been infiltrators screaming and yelling that are not part of our group. Bring a sign, “not with us.”

    It doesn’t work like that, the actions of a few misguided people represent your cause as a whole. Do you disagree?

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Feature Video of the Week — 60 Minutes on the Ground Zero Mosque

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