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Bloomberg’s Rush Hour or the Bum’s Rush?

July 7, 2010
By admin

In New York City, where all power is centralized, all roads lead to the Mayor’s office. And Mayor Bloomberg is covertly pushing the Ground Zero mega mosque forward. Bloomberg controls the calender, so why would he suddenly, last week, schedule a landmarks committee meeting for tomorrow and a landmarks commission meeting for next week, in the middle of July, when no one is around? And worse yet, giving our legal team little time to prepare. Boss Bloomberg, is the fix in? And if so, why?

Why is Mayor Bloomberg trying to expedite the building of the Ground Zero mega mosque, when according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, the majority of New Yorkers do not want it? The World Trade Center has not been rebuilt. It is still a large gaping horrible wound. The 911 Memorial Museum has not been built, although remains of the dead are still be found, and yet Bloomberg is ambivalent about all that…..  but the mega mosque? That’s his priority.

One phone call from Bloomberg could table these hearings, giving much needed time for our landmarks legal team to work up our report. The only one who has accountability on this is Mayor Bloomberg. He controls the landmarks commission; they are all his appointees. None of them will go against him.

Make it your business to contact Bloomberg’s office today.

Mayor Bloomberg is Mayor because of 911. It was Rudy Giuliani, in the wake of the horror of the Islamic attack, who anointed Bloomberg as his successor. And despite the fact that a majority of New Yorkers oppose the mega mosque at Ground Zero, Mayor Bloomberg has refused to meet with the 911 families or with any of those opposing the Islamic supremacist mosque.

He has refused to meet with the families. Why is he ducking ? And why the mad rush? And why is he giving stealth jihadist Imam Rauf a free ride?

Bloomberg has an obligation to meet with the Coalition for the Preservation of Ground Zero to hear what the 911 families and the  majority of New Yorkers feel passionately about.

The landmark committee meeting tomorrow is a charade, a horse and pony show — as it is a function of the community board, which has no power. But the Landmarks commission meeting next week has real teeth, and from all indications, they are going to do Bloomberg’s bidding.

Who died and made Bloomberg the ayatollah of New York?

Contact — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City Hall. Write him every day:
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)

FAX (212) 788-8123


Tell Bloomberg to table this mega mosque rush job and meet with families and listen. The Burlington Coat Factory Building is a 152-year-old landmark, constructed between 1857 and 1858 in the Italian Renaissance palazzo style. It is historically and architecturally significant. The building’s architect has had a number of his buildings landmarked already

The issue is expected to be resolved at a meeting this summer, though Simeon Bankoff, executive director of the Historic Districts Council, sees it as a difficult one because whichever way the commission rules, it will likely be blamed for taking sides. “I see this as a no win situation,” he said. The commission declined to comment. (here)

One of the two buildings, 45-47 Park Place, an Italianate warehouse from 1858, was calendared in 1989. The Burlington Coat Factory building has been slated for landmark status for twenty years, so why all of a sudden is the Mayor in such a hurry to sweep it under the carpet during the heat of summer, when no one else is around?

The construction of a mosque on that site requires no building permit from the city. But the municipal Landmarks Preservation Commission does have to rule on the status of the current building before any demolition or construction can take place.

According to the landmarks commission, the building has historical, architectural and cultural significance.

It is an example of New York’s cast-iron architecture, built in 1857 in the Italian Renaissance style, to house a prominent Manhattan shipping firm. The building is like many of the store and loft structures that dominated the dry goods warehouse districts of Lower Manhattan. It was used between 1911 and 1925 as the headquarters of Merck & Company, the pharmeceuticals giant. It was later converted into a discount clothing store.

The five-story building’s storefront is comprised of a cast iron Corninthian colonnade.

“The commission is considering whether to grant the building landmark status,” said Elisabeth de Bourbon, spokesperson for the Landmarks Preservation Commission. “We will hold a public hearing on the possible designation on July 13.” (more here)

Furthermore, it is an historic war memorial. A piece of the plane that was used as a missile to take down the WTC  crashed onto the roof of the Burlington Coat Factory building and went though all five floors to the basement, heavily damaging the building — that makes that building a part of American history. It should not be altered in any way.

Landign gear

Why the bum’s rush?


The ever morphing mosque  project: Imam Faisal stands before an illustrative rendering of the project at a community board meeting last month. Courtesy NY Daily News

On Sept. 11, 2001,  the store, with 80 employees, was one of 250 Burlington outlets nationwide owned by the Milstein family. That morning, recalled Stephen Milstein, the company’s former general manager and vice president, the staff was in the basement when a piece of a plane plunged through the roof, either from American Airlines Flight 11 crashing into the north tower at 8:46 a.m., or United Airlines Flight 175 crashing into the south tower at 9:03.

Kukiko Mitani, whose husband, Stephen Pomerantz, owned the building at the time, tried to sell it for years, at one time asking $18 million. But when the recession hit, she sold it in July to a real estate investment firm, Soho Properties, for $4.85 million in cash, records show. One of the investors was the Cordoba Initiative, an interfaith group founded by Imam Feisal.

“It’s really to provide a place of peace, a place of services and solutions for the community which is always looking for interfaith dialogue,” said Sharif El-Gamal, chairman and chief executive of Soho Properties.

The patched-up roof was easily visible on a recent tour of the building, along with evidence of its sudden evacuation: food bags still in a fifth-floor staff refrigerator and, most eerily, a log sheet for the testing of the emergency alarm system that shows a sign-in signature for 9/11 but no sign-out.

Records kept by the city’s Department of Buildings show anonymous complaints for illegal construction and blocked exits at the site. Inspectors tried to check but were unable to gain access, so the complaints, though still open, were listed as “resolved” under city procedures, according to an agency spokeswoman, Carly Sullivan. (here)

10 Responses to “ Bloomberg’s Rush Hour or the Bum’s Rush? ”

  1. Susan Kiepprien on July 8, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    I’m from Montreal. A few months ago, I think it was Concordia University that sold part of its land to affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood. The land is downtown Montreal and on it is the 1850-year old Nuns’ Convent.

    Quite the uproar by Montreal citizens and media. Last week, the government announced it was expropriating and buying it as ‘patrimonial’ to be preserved as is.

    Mayor Bloomberg could do the same by expropriating and rezoning as park land, therefore for the collective good or use.

    You should get together and do a huge market blitz to raise funds to expropriate and buy the property for park purposes.

  2. [...] Bloomberg’s Rush Hour or the Bum’s Rush? | Stop Islamization of America Dora the Explorer Videos Check out these Dora the Explorer videos that you can watch online. Published in Islam, 911 Memorial, Bum, Ground Zero, Islamization, Mayor Bloomberg, Mosque, New Yorkers, Priority, Quinnipiac Poll, Rush Hour, World Trade Center [...]

  3. Josef on July 12, 2010 at 5:22 AM

    The “spokesman” for Islam is ignorant of his own religion. That is if he is not practicing “Takkiya”, deception itself a tactic of jihad! -The peaceful parts of the Koran are supplanted by the later violent parts, as honest any serious Muslim scholar will tell you. Bad translations, my foot!

  4. Josef on July 12, 2010 at 10:18 AM

    Regarding the video, the “spokesman” for Islam is ignorant of his own religion. That is if he is not practicing “Takkiya”, (deception) itself a tactic of jihad! -The peaceful parts of the Koran are supplanted by the later violent parts, as any honest serious Muslim scholar will tell you. Bad translations, my foot!

  5. Vicky Martinez on July 14, 2010 at 12:27 PM

    Ask Mayor Bloomberg if he’d be allowed to build a synogogue in Mecca? Islamic Muslims do not represent a religion of peace. Their first and foremost allegiance is to the Koran, pedophile Mohammed and the sharia law. Last week a Muslim woman was buried to her waist & stoned to death. the only religion of peace is the Jewdeo/Christian religion which our founding fathers based this country on. ” ONE NATION UNDER GOD”
    What a sickening insult to the memory of 3000 innocent men,women & children. The WTC is Holy Ground,let them build their monstrosity Mosque in Death Valley.

  6. Donna Francis-Puhala on July 14, 2010 at 5:10 PM

    Mayor Bloomberg what happened to you? How can you possibly deface this great city with a mosque at ground zero???? How can you sleep at night???? There is no tolerance for a religion that is taking over every historic or otherwise sacred landmark in every city in the world. Christians now have to share a cathedral in Cordoba, Spain with Muslims. Security has to be placed at the cathedral to ensure that Muslims wait until Catholic services are finished. Guess what? They do not wait. The Cordoban Mayor wants it to be a flat out mosque. Screw those petty Christian Islamaphobics. Just take a look at was once one of the greatest symbols of Catholicism; St. Sophia Basilica in Istanbul. Now a mosque. Oh, excuse me, a museum. People better wake up. The Muslims are taking over!!!! They know how to get over mentally and legally. They are experts at it. Hence a mosque at ground zero.

  7. [...] are we sending when the members of our elite political classes, incuding Mayor Bloomberg, will not even listen to the majority of our citizens and (i) stand up to support the Rebuilding of the Twin Towers [...]

  8. Gladys West on July 20, 2010 at 3:43 PM

    I am against letting the Islam build a mosque on the Ground Zero (911 property) where so many Americans died that day at a result of Islam terrorists. I am praying that this will not be done in the name of our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ!!!

  9. egyptian boy on August 18, 2010 at 10:28 PM

    I pray that they won’t be able to build that mosque in the ground zero I’m from Egypt I was shocked when I read about that mosque I couldn’t believe that one day I will read so. Please do your best to stop muslims from spreading all over America one day you will regret it we christians suffer from them already here in Egypt you don’t that religion read about and educate your self. I hope you would listen to me may Jesus Christ bless you all and bless your country and mine too

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