Archive for April, 2010

Miami Transit Pulls SIOA “Leaving Islam” Ads: Sharia Law in America

April 15, 2010
By admin
Miami Transit Pulls SIOA “Leaving Islam” Ads: Sharia Law in America

Miami Transit has pulled our ads. This is living under sharia (Islamic) law. They are pulling our SIOA ads off the buses in South Florida because they offend Muslims.
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Posted in Stop Islamization of America | 5 Comments »

SIOA Nationwide Ad Campaign Kicks off in Miami: “Leaving Islam” Bus Ads Hits the Streets

April 13, 2010
By admin
SIOA Nationwide Ad Campaign Kicks off in Miami: “Leaving Islam” Bus Ads Hits the Streets

Today our SIOA “Leaving Islam” ad campaign rolled out on the streets of Miami in response to the misleading CAIR dawah (invitation to islam) bus campaign. This is the first time anyone has offered public help to those who are threatened under Islam’s apostasy law. In the Land of the Free, government and law...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 7 Comments »


April 10, 2010
By admin

Please join me here as we stand in solidarity with Israel, a sovereign nation on the front lines of the global jihad. Sign up here. I will be speaking. If you haven't joined Robert Spencer and me in the launch of Stop the Islamization of America, join here now. Be a mensch, be a member. ...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 3 Comments »

SIOA Officers

April 9, 2010
By admin
SIOA Officers

While we are in the developmental stages of SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America), great Americans are stepping up to the plate. If you're not a member, join here at Facebook. We're happy to announce these SIOA state officers: You want to become a state officer? Contact us! Further, we will be starting college chapters as...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 3 Comments »

Legislators Shun 911 Mosque Fundraising Dinner

April 8, 2010
By admin

"Look at their Federal Election Commission reports, these spineless politicians are owned and operated by the radical Islamists and their sinister front groups." James Lafferty The first action SOIA (Stop Islamization of America) endorsed and supported was VAST's (Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force) PROTEST AT 9/11 MOSQUE FUNDRAISING DINNER. I was thrilled...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 3 Comments »

SIOA is a human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech, religious liberty, and individual rights; no special rights for special classes.

Feature Video of the Week — 60 Minutes on the Ground Zero Mosque

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